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Release Notes

April 2019, released Sitecore Publishing Service 3.1 Update 3

New features/improvements

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
​​The height of the ScrollablePanelLanguages and ScrollablePanelTargets panels in the Publish item and Publish all items dialog boxes is now adaptive.500352276576, 35763

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed:

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
​Publishing Service can block Event Queue processing​.516319, 524299276743, 41639
When you modify and publish a shared field, ​not all language versions are reindexed​.501463, 502044, 503662276355, 36156
​ The PublishOperationCleanUp task​ does not clear all the Consider Item records from the Publishing_PublisherOperation table.​513062, 515531, 516097, 528900, 523333, 516390278662, 40959
​The Publishing_Data_Initialise_Params SQL query is called multiple times during a single publishing job​.494156, 515203, 516390, 516996, 517530, 523496, 524845, 526603, 526993268863, 32051
​Publishing fails when a clone and its copy are published together​.513686, 514561, 515160, 516359, 516390, 522574, 527581, 527895276754, 40913
​​You cannot publish the descendants of related items if the related item is not already published​.318203321925
If publish restrictions are applied to the parent item​, ​child items are not unpublished.528860322514
​​The TargetDataCacheClearHandler logs the same message twice​.324142
​​PublishOperationCleanupTask.OnExecute() logs incorrect messages.282152, 39983
​If you click Publish multiple times, this adds multiple versions of the same job to the publishing queue.324690
​​​Logging only records the message and not the actual exception.325284
​If the database schema is upgraded in any timezone other than GMT 0, unwanted Consider item records appear in the database.278675, 41278
​The BasePublishingController does not log an AggregateException correctly. ​​502523276913, 36683
​An error occurs in the DeferredItemsTargetProducer file when you publish an item that doesn't have a parent item.​​​522713, 528105303477
When you publish Sitecore templates that have sub-items and related items, a System.ArgumentException error occurs in the VariantsValidationTargetProducer​ file.514087, 514669, 514972, 516390, 516899, 518837, 521005, 522544, 524671, 525926, 527429, 527725, 528200, 528586278655, 40925
​​Changes to Versioned fields are only reported in one language when the field is registered with the ReportPublishFieldsResolver.318767
If an item has no version in the current content language, it is not published after it is moved​.​​515850278071, 41723

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