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Release Notes

October 2017 – released Sitecore Publishing Service 3.0

New features/improvements

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
​Publishing Service is now compatible with Sitecore 9.0.
Support for third party DLLs has been added at runtime​​.28931
The configuration file locations have been updated to match Sitecore 9.0.150815
​​A new diagnostics command has been added to fix revision ID GUID case senstivity problems in Sitecore databases.​30847
​​The PublishBatchResultProcessor processor cannot retrieve information about custom fields​​.26934

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed:

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
Publishing Service does not remove orphaned items as expected.492759, 492966, 493133, 490914, 49085430344, 30681, 29771, 28932
An inconsistent value in the _Source field prevents publishing​​​.489050, 486188, 48926929619
Publishing fails when the Index was outside the bounds of the array error.​48822329482
The Publish Item command does not handle the PublisherOperation table events properly​​.48684529058
When publishing clones, an exception is thrown if an original item doesn't have a publishable language.​​48396527684
Remote events may not be added to a target EventQueue due to the concurrency issue. ​48971230833
The Globalization.Translate dictionary cache is not cleared or reset on the publishingservice:cache:clear event​.48745429150
There is no information about item publishing in the dialog on Azure.28809
​​​​​​​​​A new diagnostics command has been created to fix revision ID GUID case sensitivity problems in Sitecore databases.​30847
​​The PublishBatchResultProcessor processor cannot retrieve information about custom fields​​.​​​​​​​26934
​The target indexes algorithm has been improved to support faster single item publishing in large databases.​49142430916
​Bucket subitems do not publish after you perform a bucketing and reverting operation.​28773
​Content availability - A version of the item is considered unpublishable if the next version has a "Publishable From" restriction.49160631027
​​The Publishing Service unexpectedly deletes items during single item publish.49126531865, 31185

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