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Release Notes

April 2019 - released Sitecore Install Framework 2.1.0

New Task

Invoke-ManageKeyStorageTask - This new task manages user key storage in the HKLM registry.​ Supports ​​Microsoft Data Protection key management in the registry.

Resolved Issues

DescriptionADO no.
​​The Install-SitecoreConfiguration cmdlet reports an incorrect progress percentage ​​for the root and child progress bars.​​302858
The Install-SitecoreConfiguration cmdlet ​​parameter fails to merge multiple nested object types​​.288839
The Invoke-RemoveSqlDatabaseTask task reloads the SQL Server module and causes conflicts.​​​​ ​294281
The Invoke-HostHeaderTask task can fail to gain access to the hosts file during the uninstallation process.​257822

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