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Release Notes

November 2021 – released Sitecore Headless Rendering 19.0.0


  • The Vue SDK and sample have been updated to Vue 3.
  • The Headless Services module now deploys its items via Items as Resources (IAR), thereby enabling module upgrades without the need to update SQL data.
  • The Horizon authoring interface now supports Next.js.
  • You can now use the Layout Service and Next.js to enable static site generation of Sitecore MVC sites, and incrementally convert them to a headless architecture.
  • The documentation for Headless Services, JavaScript Rendering (JSS), and ASP.NET Core Rendering has been refactored, reviewed, and consolidated into a common location on doc.sitecore.com.
  • The Horizon authoring interface now supports ASP.NET Core Rendering.

New features/improvements

ContextDescriptionADO no.
Headless ServicesJavaScript Rendering - All the JavaScript packages are now published as both CommonJS and ESM.454376
Headless ServicesThe Vue SDK and sample have been updated to Vue 3.459777
​Headless ServicesThe Headless Services module items are now deployed as Items as Resources.467836
​Headless ServicesThe Horizon authoring interface now supports Next.js.468017
​Headless ServicesYou can now use the Layout Service and Next.js to enable static site generation of Sitecore MVC sites, and incrementally convert them to a headless architecture.479060
​Headless ServicesThe documentation for Headless Services, JavaScript Rendering (JSS), and ASP.NET Core Rendering has been refactored, reviewed, and consolidated into a common location on doc.sitecore.com.480320
​Headless ServicesThe Horizon authoring interface now supports ASP.NET Core Rendering.494050
​Headless ServicesReact, Next.js - The rendering performance of the React-based SDKs and samples has been improved with the removal of a potential double-rendering scenario.468237
​Headless ServicesThe Next.js sample has been updated to demonstrate the use of dynamic component imports.468937
​Headless ServicesThe Next.js SDK and sample have been updated to Next.js 11.474974
​Headless ServicesThe GraphQL endpoints now allow unauthenticated CORS preflight OPTIONS requests by default, enabling the passing of sc_apikey via HTTP Header from browsers. This can be disabled by using false on the endpoint.475186
​Headless ServicesThe Next.js sample can now be created with an --empty argument, resulting in a simplified starter without any boilerplate, components, or code-first support. This argument is useful when implementing static generation for Sitecore MVC sites.479298
​Headless ServicesThe client dictionary and sitemap services now allow you to customize the jssAppTemplateId that is used when determining the root item of a site.483281
​Headless ServicesReact, Angular, Vue - The samples now support the fetchWith create option and allow you use of GraphQL or REST-based services, and are consistent with Next.js.488863
​Headless ServicesVue - The sc-placeholder component now uses fragments by default and does not render an extra root.474394
​Headless ServicesHeadless Proxy - The /dist path has been removed from pathRewriteExcludeRoutes config property, because it was unnecessary.481856
​Headless ServicesThe ASP.NET Core and Next.js dotnet new templates have been updated to 10.2 and Headless Rendering 19.0.490137
​Headless ServicesVue, React - The detection of connected and disconnected mode has been improved.485189
​Headless ServicesReact, Angular, Vue - To be consistent with Next.js, we have removed the deprecated dataApi in favor of client service wrappers.486242
​Headless ServicesA Render as HTML checkbox has been added to the Layout Service options on Sitecore renderings. This checkbox is the equivalent of the existing json=false rendering parameter, and results in the output of rendering HTML to the Layout Service for MVC-compatible rendering types.479294
​Headless ServicesJavaScript Rendering - The service clients now provide a timeout option.480317
​Headless ServicesReact, Headless Proxy - To be consistent with Next.js, Dictionary calls now utilize the RestDictionaryService.487865
​Headless ServicesReact, Angular, Vue - To be consistent with Next.js, the samples now use the default Layout Service configuration by default.493438

Breaking changes

ContextDescriptionADO no.
​Headless Services@sitecore-jss TypeScript types that previously used any may need to be updated with more specific definitions.445601
​Headless ServicesUpgraded installations must use the upgrade tool to remove Headless Services items from the Sitecore master database, as these tems are now delivered as Items as Resources (IAR) files.467836
​Headless ServicesThe React and Next.js samples have been updated to avoid an extra React rendering.468237
​Headless ServicesNext.js implementations must upgrade to Next.js 11.474974
​Headless ServicesVue implementations must upgrade to Vue 3.459777
​Headless ServicesAll the samples/frameworks must be updated to use the new layout and dictionary services instead of the deprecated dataApi.486242
​Headless ServicesDictionary calls should be updated to use the RestDictionaryService.487865
​Headless ServicesThe JavaScript Rendering apps should use the default layoutServiceConfiguration by default.493438
​Headless ServicesThe Session state is no longer supported in GraphQL endpoints. This removes session locking and improves performance.457362

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed:

ContextDescriptionADO no.
​Headless ServicesSession state locking can impact the performance of GraphQL queries.457362
​Headless ServicesIf you invoke the Layout Service on pages that contain rendering items that do not exist in the database, an Object reference error can occur.462233
​Headless ServicesNext.js - If you use multiple catch-all routes with SSG, opening a route in the Experience Editor can cause a 404 error.483286
​Headless ServicesVue - If you open or navigate between pages, a page not found error may occur.485147
​Headless ServicesReact - The Experience Forms React implementation doesn't apply CSS classes that are configured by a content author.483539
​Headless ServicesNext.js - There is no documentation about the process or limitations of using Sitecore Forms with Next.js.485498
​Headless ServicesAngular - You cannot navigate to language URLs.485127
​Headless ServicesASP.NET Core - If you use the Image tag helper, custom attributes are lost in Experience Editor.473634
​Headless ServicesJavaScript Rendering - The embedded JSS app sample does not build.475487
​Headless ServicesThe publishing webhooks stop processing when a non-executing webhook is encountered.483283
​Headless ServicesThe Layout Service date field output is inconsistent between Experience Edge and Headless Services.485040
​Headless ServicesReact, Next.js - When rendering raw HTML components, placeholders can throw a void element tag error for self-closing tag elements.487382
​Headless ServicesThe Layout Service can throw a NullReferenceException when it is invoked by a known robot user agent.488970
​Headless ServicesThe Layout Service does not resolve the root page item if the site has a virtual folder.489431
​Headless ServicesReact - When running React in connected mode against development environments, proxied Sitecore requests, for example, visitor identification, media, and so on, can cause 504, Gateway Timeout errors. Setting changeOrigin: true in the CRA proxy resolves this issue.496886
​Headless ServicesASP.NET Core - If a rendering content resolver returns two or more fields as empty strings, the ASP.NET Core rendering can throw an ArgumentException.489544
​Headless ServicesPreflight OPTIONS requests against the mirrored Experience Edge schema will fail when using sc_apikey in an HTTP Header, which is different behavior than Experience Edge.479265

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