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Release Notes

November 2019 – released Sitecore Experience Accelerator 9.3.0

Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) enables parallel work streams (content, creative design, UX, coding) to not only reduce the time required to produce a website, but also improve the quality by allowing all contributors to validate each other's contributions. SXA provides reusable user experience layouts and components that are fully integrated into the Sitecore editing experience.


  • A new command line interface has been introduced to improve theme creation and configuration.
  • The Scriban templating engine has been added to the Rendering Variants to give greater flexibility with generated HTML.

New feature/improvements

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
​​You can now filter the items in the ceExport.pageValidation pipeline before they are exported with Creative Exchange.257357
​​The Creative Exchange Live tooling is now available as an NPM package​.291709
All the variant fields no longer render a tag when the Tag field is empty, and this produces cleaner HTML​​.521564, 529338298945
​​A new command line interface has been introduced to improve theme creation and configuration.318366
​​A new Aggregated Facet Filter component has been added​.319304
A new Facet Summary component has been added​.​​319332
The Creative Exchange Live tool can now be configured to not upload partial CSS and JS sources files​.324423
​​Search filters are now hidden automatically if no facet values are available for them​.329848
​​The Basic2 theme is now available as an NPM package on Myget​.350089
The Scriban templating engine has been added to the Rendering Variants to give greater flexibility with generated HTML.​​335204
Available Renderings items for Sitecore Forms items are no longer named in an ambiguous manner.533088342636
You can use Creative Exchange to export and re-import Scriban templates.​​335198
You can now add custom scaffolding actions to the site/tenant deletion process and execute additional code both before and after an SXA site or tenant is deleted.​​335647
SXA now supports basic editing of its pages in Horizon​.​​336607
Creative Exchange Live tooling is now available as NPM packages​.338480
​​You can now configure the number of characters that you must enter in the Search Box before it starts to make suggestions.337434

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed:

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
When you use the Layout details dialog to add placeholder settings, an error occurs. ​​531965, 539472247421
​​If the host name in the site definition includes a wildcard and a pipe character, the 500 Server Error page does not load.522592302462
Composite Renderings do not work properly with Content Testing​.523633, 539092306852
​​Composite specific Rendering Variants are missing when you edit components that are embedded in the composites on a page​.524258, 432118307728
In TreeView​, the image thumbnail is not displayed.​​523866309346
Any changes that you make to the ​Editable settings of a placeholder are not reflected in a composite rendering​. ​​524834, 535481312679
​If you clone a rendering and the name of the new rendering does not form a valid path, ​it throws an uninformative error.525163, 529142313420
The Asset Optimizer always adds a ?t= URL parameter even when other parameters are already defined​.​​526061313636
When a page is rendered as JSON​, some characters are not correctly escaped.​​526250313759
​​​In the Search box component, when you search for words that contain hyphens, the search does not return all the results.528811313772
Link List does not work properly with language fallback​.525413, 537445314016
The Checklist filter does not work with the SxaTags facet in Azure Search​.​​525702314018
​​To facilitate load balanced environments, the TargetHostName provided in the site definition is now used to generate links in the sitemap.xml file rather than in the request host.526026315140
If you use the Sitecore Form Wrapper with Sitecore Form, it causes a Javascript error​.​​526784, 526786, 530484, 532466, 537859, 541268315587
When you clone a site, the Signature field of a Partial Design is not updated correctly.525457317458
The Page Selector makes several calls with ampersands in a query​.​​527320, 531899317982
​​The LocalizableLinkProvider property does not respect the scheme setting at site level.526921, 529916, 530049, 537040, 539511, 540436318160
The Toolbox is not rendered in IE 11​.​​527313, 527979, 531585, 536673318179
An infinite recursion can occur in the GetXmlBasedLayoutDefinition.InjectCompositeComponents method due to the way that fallback device is configured.527534318645
The Grid size settings do not influence the size of the Map component.527068318823
​​The scrollbar in the Toolbox is not updated when you resize the window.530909328249
The Learn More link is not displayed in the cookie message.​​327034
In the Content Editor, in the Rich Text Editor, you cannot add StyleLabs media.333595
The Search Filter dropdown does not support special characters.​​530615334356
​​In the Location Filter component, Mixed and Location modes do not trigger a search​.529524326012
In the sitemap.xml file, the scheme for links is taken from the request rather than from the site configuration​.​​529916, 530221, 537040329878
The Sitecore.XA.Feature.ContentTokens.config file can conflict with custom configurations​.529123323807
When you use the Bootstrap 3 grid, the Glyphicons fonts are missing.​​529403325475
​​When Navigation component is embedded in rendering variants, it doesn't render the appropriate fields.529875325707
Facet filtering does not work on Solr if the facet value contains a space.​​362577
When personalization is applied, rendering.DataSource is null.540959362374
When you run the upgrade script, an exception is thrown by the SaveCompositeItems handler.​​538394, 538394356460
The SXA datasource selection dialog overrides the default dialog for non-SXA sites without exposing the full functionality required to complete the task.​​539268, 540792355958
​​If you embed a component in the Search Results rendering variant, it throws a null database exception.531466338019
If the title of a search facet contains a +, it does not return any results in Search Result component.​533234337480
​​Reusable snippets are not published​.524074, 524313, 539479, 540326339908
Sitecore.XA.Foundation.Publication.dll references a non-existant Publishing Service assembly.​​538862, 541683354891
The sitemap.xml file contains redundant language URLS.​​533334, 534193, 537473, 538300, 539766335397
Renderings are not saved in the Accordion\Tabs components.537157353118
​​The sitemap.xml file contains URLs with a double hostname when you use the default link provider​.532088, 536328337372
In a multisite setup​, if you set the sitemap mode to Stored in file, only a single sitemap is generated.​​533307, 533318, 537472336464
​​In a partial/page design, personalization rules that change the data source of an item do not work.533915337972
If you use the Azure search provider​, the Distance facet ignores the scope of the search.533796340597
​​If you run search queries against the SXA search indexes​, a MissingMethodException can be thrown.534017, 534897, 535109341746
The SXA Video component shows a low resolution image on large screens​.​​534070342282
​​If you use Creative Exchange for pages that are not in the English language​, CSS styles are not imported back.534713, 536058342611
The Sitecore.XA.Foundation.Multisite.EventHandlers.HttpRoutesRefresher.PopulateRoutes() method does not acquire a write lock before it updates routes.536552, 539039352832
If you change the template of the original item, the template of its cloned items is not updated.​​535517342776
In Sitecore Forms, the checkboxes and radio buttons are not displayed correctly and cannot be used. ​​534937, 540849342993
The Results Count rendering does not support the Search Signature parameter.​​535508343754
​​If you modify a Component under the /sitecore/templates/Branches/Feature/Experience Accelerator item, a System.NullReferenceException is thrown.536329345408
If you delete classes in the HTML, importing with Creative Exchange does not remove these classes from the components.535315343793
If sites are not added to the SXA site registry, a large number of sites can result in a long warm-up time for the server.​​535722, 535910346210
If a partial design is stored inside nested partial design folders, multiple placeholder wrappers created.​​535487347552
​​If a sitemap is stored in a file, only one sitemap file is generated for the whole Sitecore instance.​334534
During the SXA site scaffolding, if no Insert Options are defined for a template, a Powershell error occurs.​​531135331514
If you unlock a content page, the c​omposite datasource subitems remain locked.529122, 531509, 537040324927
​​A component that is embedded in a Rendering Variant will display error on a page if the component is not fully configured​.333646
When the URL for a facet is created, q= is added twice and this breaks the filter components. ​​530947, 541075332347
A Geolocation search does not include associated content in the search.​​536929347831
​​resolveRenderingDatasource is not called when trying to resolve an item query for a Page List component.537465349142
Creative Exchange does not to create a CSS class for the rendering inside a snippet that is defined for a partial design.534713348752
Creative Exchange can fail when it is called from the API.​​349905
​​Regular JSS sites don't have the option to create a new datasource when SXA is installed.537652, 539268352703
Delegated areas do not support Item Buckets.​​537715350376
The Range Slider filter does not work when multiple fields are defined in a facet item.​​538017, 541075350835
The Page Selector makes several calls when a query contains special symbols.​531899351678
In a scaled environment, duplicate optimized files can be generated.​​537204351658
​​Workflows for multi-language delegated areas contain inconsistent values.537991351396
In a Container component that has custom placeholder settings defined, incorrect placeholder names are displayed. ​​532303, 538817, 539505333663
​​FullSize mode for YouTube videos is not available on Android devices​.530214, 537040331135
A static error page can be generated for the wrong site.526257, 528873322199
​​Creative Exchange export that is performed on an Apple computer cannot be imported correctly on a Windows computer.309580
If a target hostname is specified​​, the OpenGraph og:url metatag is displayed without encoded spaces.​​542859367756
​​The Responsive Image renderer does not work with the Reference renderer​.354642
When the search results are empty​, the Checklist filter is not cleared.537015351616
​A Page List that uses Item Query does not resolve sxa: tokens.CS0155960, CS0217612324371

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