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Release Notes

April 2017 – released Sitecore Experience Accelerator 1.3 (rev. 170412)

Sitecore Experience Accelerator (SXA) enables parallel work streams (content, creative design, UX, coding) to not only reduce the time required to produce a website, but also improve the quality by allowing all contributors to validate each other's contributions. SXA provides reusable user experience layouts and components, while fully integrating into the Sitecore editing experience.


  • SXA now supports Bootstrap, Foundation, and 960GS CSS frameworks.
  • The new SXA Data Modelling allows editors to compose and deliver JSON for Single-Page Applications (SPAs) or mobile applications.

New features/improvements

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
SXA now supports Bootstrap, Foundation, and 960GS CSS frameworks.3312
The new SXA Data Modelling allows editors to compose and deliver JSON for Single-Page Applications (SPAs) or mobile applications.5608
There is an Upgrade tool to help you upgrade from SXA 1.2 to SXA 1.3.5148
The Experience Editor now lets you manage component sizing and other responsive properties.4690
The Drag and Drop functionality has been improved and gives you a better indication of the drop location for nested placeholders.4691
SXA now lets you select a Grid System (Bootstrap, Foundation, or 960GS) per device, per site.4746
The Base and Wireframe themes are now grid agnostic and can be used with either Bootstrap, Foundation, or 960GS.4751
In the Experience Editor, the SXA Toolbar is now docked on the right rather than floating to better accommodate responsive layouts.5452
We have added JSON layouts and components for the new SXA Data Modelling.5465
SXA now supports Extensible Rendering Variants that allow you to create custom implementations of HTML/JSON renderings.
SXA now supports semantic HTML tags within a layout and supports semantic HTML tags in rendering variants.
You can now specify personalization rules on rendering variants.

Breaking changes

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A number of components, such as, Page Structure, Search, Editing and Theming, have been refactored to support the new grid paradigm.
The Navigation and Taxonomy features have been refactored to support the new Rendering Variants abstractions layer.
Rendering Variants has been refactored. An abstraction layer has been implemented to support various variants implementations. A JSON variants implementation has been introduced.
Author Mode has been removed from Creative Exchange.

Resolved issues

The following issues have been fixed:

DescriptionCustomer ticket ID (or other)TFS no.
SXA does not notify the user that Metadata Partial Design is required to insert a new Sticky Note.4722
SXA skips the flash data source when exporting with Creative Exchange.4554

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